Sunday, June 24, 2007
this day in history
Pulled out my art journal today and found 1) that I haven't drawn in it since January!@#$% and 2) this drawing I did a year ago today. I felt like the mannequin on that day...and a bit like that today.
I took an extended retreat from church this month. Although I am able to gather snippets of quiet while everyone is home, there is nothing like being home alone. So, for the month of June, I decided to stay home from service to be quiet with God. Today, my last day, God fit together a few pieces of an emerging puzzle. It's staggering to me to know that a heart's cry prayer with a friend, a video made 4 years ago and a book written over 50 years ago would appear in my life over the course of a week and merge together in one day to form a message from God.
I feel today, like I did a year ago, convicted, humbled, set free and in awe that He knows my name, hears every prayer I pray, He's the one who brought me to this place; the voice that sings to me, the hand that clings to me, I'm His child and He will always know my name. ptL.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
locks and lots of love
Making a resolution to donate her hair to "Locks of Love," M marched bravely forward to undergo an outward transformation of the work God is doing inside. When she found out about the program, she said, "I can do that!" and set a goal to grow her hair til summer then have it cut. It was an exciting moment and another step in her heart's desire to help children. She plans to keep it short for the heat and in the fall, start growing it out for the next donation.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
it is finished
June 1st will go down in the annals of the history of our homeschool as the day we celebrated our first graduate!
What an incredible time both the day of the ceremony and the weeks leading up to it. I purposefully savored every moment, every memory. I didn't want the day to come and go in a blur of preparations and miss, as a family, the opportunity to remember the road that brought us to this place.
The past year has been a difficult one for S and for our family but, as promised, from the refining fire God continues to bring beauty from ashes. Had Seth graduated a year earlier, we would have celebrated his intelect and abilities; instead, we celebrated who he is (see speeches below). And, we celebrated as a family who arrived at this milestone together stronger in our faith and stronger in our family identity and bond. Joined by loved ones who supported us along the way, the ceremony was representative of the journey and God's faithfulness along the way.
E was our "keynote" speaker:
My Baba has been visiting with us. Over dinner this week, we discovered she was the only one of nine siblings to graduate high school. Born in
When she finished sixth grade, her father said, “That’s it; time to stay home.”
“And what did he say?” we eagerly inquired.
As mentioned earlier, I was not one to sit in a chair. Most of my early school work was done upside down, standing by my chair, whirling, twirling, singing, hopping, skipping, running and/or jumping, in the den, in the family room, in my bed, on the living room floor or at the kitchen table. It was easier for me to think if I was moving. S was different. Most of the time he knew more about the subject before Mom got around to teaching him. I enjoyed tagging along his learning adventures and learned a lot from talking to him (of which I still do a lot of) and listening to him (which I try to do when I’m not talking to him). Being homeschooled has allowed us to approach education the way God wired us. It’s made a challenging road for my parents, but one that we have benefited from.
Although there are many other reasons my parents have homeschooled us, the one that made them choose this for our family was their conviction that this was what God had called them to do. The hub of our school is Jesus: He’s the foundation for every subject taught and the author of our lesson plans. He’s the glue that holds us together as a school and family.
S, I am so proud of you. You are a bright young man and have approached your schooling with serious perseverance and unrelenting stamina. You’ve accomplished much in your schooling years. And as proud as I am of your brain, I am more moved by your heart. Inside dwells the living God who formed you in my womb. This past year I have seen a person who is brave and strong as he learned to acknowledge and embrace weakness; I have seen a person who is gentle and kind and took the risk of sharing his heart with others; and I have seen a person whose life God values and treasures and has a plan and a purpose for. Your graduation today is proof that what may seem impossible, is possible with God’s strength. In kindergarten, a verse got you through every new experience as you branched out from hiding behind me and became an independent little guy: “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” We’d repeat that over and over before you went into Sunday School or VBS or school group park days. It still holds true today, Love. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.
You know your Mama loves you and I’ll be here for you….unless of course my request for a dorm room next to yours goes through and in that case, I’ll be right next door!
Congratulations Graduate!
Next stop....Westmont!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
young thespian
E performed in his second theatrical endeavor at the end of May. The play was "Secrets of the Garden Club" and his character, Mr. Travis, a newly graduated overzealous detective eager to test his education on his first murder case.
Drama is definately E's thing. It's a ton of work but so worth it. Normally a timid person, he blossoms on stage as he rises to the challenge of forgetting himself and truly becoming the character he is portraying. We are very proud of you, E!!!!