Friday, January 26, 2007

fit is the word

Fit into my pants: I cheated and ordered bigger pants. There comes a point where one must accept reality and I was there. My need for new jeans outran my weight loss and so I caved and Kohl's free shipping came to the rescue.

Fit into the closet: Order a bigger closet? The thought did cross my mind. It's looking like this is going to be a multiple day project.

Gardening tennis shoes...a pair for every day of the week (almost). Finding and clearing these alone was half the closet floor! :)

Other feats of FITness:
Still walking! :) Set up my nifty computerized pedometer yesterday to track the miles.
Took my drawing pad to an appt and did a doodle. Ahhhh, relief for my left brain and food for my right.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

on the subject of themes...

J celebrated his 45th b-day this past week. S put a post on his blog which, I believe, needs some explanation. We do themed birthdays and this year chose "American Idol" for Papa's extravaganza. As you will see, he was truly a good sport about it. We also collaborated on a project for him that was insprired by a scrapbooking newsletter - "4+5 = 9 Nine Reasons Why We Love You". Taking nine pieces of cardstock, we designed pictures for the front that captured one of nine things we love about J. On the back was a brief explanation of the chosen characteristic. They included: dedication, witty sense of humor, coffee, tickles, and musical ability. It was a fun joint effort which gave us time to reflect on all this awesome man means to us. We love you Papa!!!!

from the beginning, there was a word

My Sistah and I are each choosing a "Word of the Month" to focus on in 2007. To keep my wandering mind moving toward a goal, I usually select a theme for the entire year. I'm looking forward to this new approach, however, for several reasons. One, it will be fun to start fresh every month! I like fresh starts. Two, other than knowing there are alot of decisions to be made over the next few months., I don't know where the Lord is leading me personally this year. I have inclinations but the bottom line keeps coming back to taking one day at a time. A word a month puts flexibility in the picture and will keep me seeking His will, not my agenda. And last, I'm looking forward to exchanging goals and dreams with my sister. She has been a mentor to me and I'm hoping this year I can be a cheerleader for her.

Sooo, the word for January is:
FIT as in.....

~FIT into my pants (Keep up the established exercise routine. In November I started consistently exercising in hopes of at least maintaining my weight through the holidays. Thank you Jesus, it worked. And, as a bonus, there are pinholes of light poking through my constant brain fog. Now just to stay the course.....)

~FIT into my closet (Get my closet and the garage in order! UGH!)

~Don’t have a FIT (Manage my emotions instead of letting them manage me)

~FIT in creative breaks. (Creative therapy – fill my tank to build some emotional margin)
(While at the scrapbook store Thursday, I signed up for a 3 hour class on AntiquingTechniques next Tues. Creative break no. 1.)

~Establish a routine that enables me to FIT in creative breaks. (This is a perpetual goal as I'm always falling off and climbing back on this horse! We all do better with routine and it will ease some of the tension I’m feeling and allow for fun! I’m also going back to flying with the Flylady. )

Reflection: I’ve realized, while thinking about this word thing, that I love to make goals, lists, and plans. I’ve decided to embrace that about myself and make as many lists as my heart desires. ;D I’ve also decided to practice grace and not drive/wet noodle myself until each list is conquered. (I do that really well too : / )

The Word of the Month idea evolved from here.