Friday, January 26, 2007

fit is the word

Fit into my pants: I cheated and ordered bigger pants. There comes a point where one must accept reality and I was there. My need for new jeans outran my weight loss and so I caved and Kohl's free shipping came to the rescue.

Fit into the closet: Order a bigger closet? The thought did cross my mind. It's looking like this is going to be a multiple day project.

Gardening tennis shoes...a pair for every day of the week (almost). Finding and clearing these alone was half the closet floor! :)

Other feats of FITness:
Still walking! :) Set up my nifty computerized pedometer yesterday to track the miles.
Took my drawing pad to an appt and did a doodle. Ahhhh, relief for my left brain and food for my right.