Been thinking alot about my father-in-law. He passed away when S was 9 mos. old. S's recent 18th birthday has stirred memories.
One that especially depicts the essence of who Pop was is from S's birth. I had been wheeled from the operating room into my hospital room. Shortly thereafter, my parents and J's rushed into the room whizzing past me and straight to the new grandbaby. My father-in-law, however, stopped, gave me a kiss, stroked my hair with his hardworking hands and, in his broken English, asked if I was okay. I'll never forget the look in his eyes. Despite our inability to communicate because of the language barrier, I knew I was loved.
As S grew, he would only allow a few people to hold him - J and I, my mom and my father-in-law. He swelled with pride each time he took a crying S from his wife and immediately providing the security needed to calm his grandson.
Both boys are like him. S has inherited his ability to make anything out of nothing. And Ethan has his impish grin and mischieviousness. I am sorry Ethan has not known him - they definately would have been partners in crime - language barrier or not.
I miss you, Pop.