Sunday, June 24, 2007

this day in history

Pulled out my art journal today and found 1) that I haven't drawn in it since January!@#$% and 2) this drawing I did a year ago today. I felt like the mannequin on that day...and a bit like that today.

I took an extended retreat from church this month. Although I am able to gather snippets of quiet while everyone is home, there is nothing like being home alone. So, for the month of June, I decided to stay home from service to be quiet with God. Today, my last day, God fit together a few pieces of an emerging puzzle. It's staggering to me to know that a heart's cry prayer with a friend, a video made 4 years ago and a book written over 50 years ago would appear in my life over the course of a week and merge together in one day to form a message from God.

I feel today, like I did a year ago, convicted, humbled, set free and in awe that He knows my name, hears every prayer I pray, He's the one who brought me to this place; the voice that sings to me, the hand that clings to me, I'm His child and He will always know my name. ptL.